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Nikko's Tuesday

From: Ed H.
Sent on: Friday, April 30, 2010, 7:25 PM
Hi Members,

I just got off the phone with Bill Chow, the manager of Nikko's. He just offered Meetup a DISCOUNT OF 10% ON THE ALREADY LOW BUFFET PRICE OF $21.95. So whatever your bill, including soda, etc. is now 10% less. For those who are not yet on board, this Meetup is Tuesday, May 4, 2010. Come celebrate Cinco de Quatro with a trip to Japan. Then the next day you can have Chili and Margaritas.

Do I hear a RUSH to sign up and make this Meetup even larger?

A number of you have signed up saying that this is your first Meetup. You picked a good one. I and my assistant organizers are looking forward to meeting the new faces and enjoying our favorite food together.

Don't forget to bring your cameras. Each one of you can post to the site after the program. The more the better. See you Tuesday.


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