What we’re about
In the 1980s, sushi, one of the healthiest meals around started getting a lot more attention! The Kansas City area was no stranger to this phenomenon!
Did you realize there are more than 5 dozen sushi restaurants in the KC area? Who said Kansas City was landlocked? To try them all, that's more than 1 new joint each week for an entire year.
Have you been looking for a new sushi place to try?
Well, we're visiting each one - one at a time, sampling different rolls and new things from the sea . . . and sometimes we repeat those that win our palates.
So even if you're new and don't know nigiri from sashimi or you're a little more advanced and already know your favorite roll is a salmon daikon roll with eel sauce and mangos - join us as we adventure into the world of sushi.
Chopstick Lessons optional!
We do happy hours, dinners and lunches and we do them do them north, south, east, west and in good 'ole downtown! Join us - your taste buds will thank you.
Admin note: If you RSVP "YES" to an event and don't show 3 times, you'll be removed from the group. So please only RSVP to events you will go to.