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What we’re about

No fees! Just share the love and invite your friends!
No "flaking" allowed on an event; if you are a no show ONCE, you are out of the group. If you need to cancel for an event, please notify us ASAP; . Hard Policy: If you are new to the group, flaking signifies your lack of interest in really being a part of this group. New Meetup Site Policy: Because of the way the new meetup site is designed, we can no longer put in for no-shows the way we used to. Therefore, your name will be announced on the comment section as "no show" so that it's easier to keep track of. \

NO DOUBLE-DIPPING. This means that you have signed up for two ore more events that run at the exact same time. This is against the policies of If you have done so, you will be automatically removed from our group.
NO HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED. You are NOT allowed to contact members using their Meetup email unless they give you permission. If a member gives you their number, please be respectful toward them and DO NOT HARASS THEM. We've lost many member already because of MISCONDUCT; let's try to avoid that in the future. In terms of the the comments on events, please do not say things to make people uncomfortable; general concerns about meetups are fine, but do not push an issue on the comments page that could be handled privately. If you have a concern that doesn't involve the meetup directly, please email La privately and she will deal with the situation. If you are being HARASSED by any member, you must let us know right away.
INTOLERANCE POLICY. INTOLERANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Everyone on Meetup comes from different backgrounds and has different views about life – please show some respect to everyone by not discriminating against them because they are different than you. While you are entitled to your own opinions, please don’t cause any problems. No one is allowed to discriminate against anyone of a different culture, ethnicity, religion, political view, class, sexual orientation, etc., in this group. Any demonstration of intolerance will result in your immediate removal from this Meetup group. Further demonstration of this may result in being reported to the Meetup site.
PAYING THE BILL: Please keep track of what you owe, including sodas, drinks, sides, etc. If you make an exchange (say adding avocado) they will probably charge you for that. At the end of the meal, when you get the check, the first thing the host needs to do is to figure out what the total is (by multiplying the total before the tax by 1.3). Then each member is to honestly put their initials (first and last) to the left of the item and figure out what you owe and multiply it by 1.3. The host will review the list to make sure everything is covered while you are preparing your money. You wait for your host (or whomever is tallying up the money) to confirm that the total is accurate. Hosts will be required to keep their receipt, the one that has been initialed and give them to me. Then, the host will dismiss you. If you attempt to leave before the check is settled, you will be out of the group. If you don't pay your share or are caught taking money from the pile of money, you will be out of the group. We've had too many issues with this in the past; following this system will ensure that everyone pays only what they owe and the waiter/waitress gets what they deserve. If these are a problem for you, please remove yourself from the group. \

Failure to follow these rules will result in your immediate removal.