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JAX Community Night - Monday July 9th

From: Kevin N.
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2012, 12:20 AM

On Monday July 9th, JAXConf opens its doors and offers an evening of sessions from leadingexperts in the Java world.
Registration is free, but numbers are limited, so sign up today
Join us from 5.45pm for drinks at the Expo reception, before taking your seats for the JAXConfevening Keynote presentation from Douglas Crockford: JavaScript:Your New Overlord
Following Douglas Crockford’s keynote, we’ll have a series of 30minute presentations, including:
Simon Maple of IBM UK talking on Liberty Pi - Lightweight software on Lightweight hardware.In this live demo session Simon plays with the Raspberry Pi and shows some of the fun he hashad so far running Debian Linux, Java and WebSphere App Server on this tiny machine.
Also joining us is Charles Nutter, JRuby developer and JVM advocate. He will run a session oninvokedynamic: You ain't seen nothing yet, looking at how invokedynamic is changing the JVMforever.
Lastly for now, Brian Leathem shows how to Leverage the jQuery plugin ecosystem to createhighly-interactive JSF Components.
We will be announcing another sessions next week, so keep your eyes peeled.
Attendance is free, but you will need to register here.
What’s on at JAX Community Night
Keynote:Douglas Crockford: JavaScript:Your New OverlordFirst misunderstanding, then huge semipopularity, and now, respect. Despite its many obviousdeficiencies, Java's stupid little brother has gotten something profoundly right. What does thefuture hold for this duckling?
Sessions:Simon Maple: Liberty Pi - Lightweight software on Lightweight hardwareCome and see the coolest thing I've ever done at IBM! A Raspberry Pi is a credit card sizedcomputer designed for encouraging school children to program. I've taken that uber-lightweightcomputer and installed Debian Linux, Java and the new Liberty Profile. Come to this live demosession to have a play with the Raspberry Pi to hear what I did and some of the problems/fun Ihad! Also you'll see what's likely to be the smallest computer WebSphere App Server has *ever*run on in the world, with your own eyes!For more info see
Charles Nutter: invokedynamic: You ain’t seen nothing yet

You've heard the noise... invokedynamic is changing the JVM forever. What is it? How does itaffect you? Where will it take the JVM and Java developers in the future? We'll look back atwhere the JVM has been and discuss why it will never be the same after invokedynamic.
Brian Leathem: Leverage the jQuery plugin ecosystem to create highly-interactive JSFComponentsJavaServer Faces provides application developers with a visual component model for buildingweb applications, standardized as part of the Java EE specification. Components libraries suchas RichFaces abstract away the javascript details, allowing one to focus on building applicationswith a rich user experience without fiddling with complex javascript. However, if you want toprovide your user with a rich web experience, and the functionality you need isn’t provided byan existing JSF component library, you can quite easily leverage existing javascript libraries tocreate your own JSF components. jQuery plugins exist providing functionality in a number ofareas, including: image manipulation/galleries, social media interaction (Twitter, Youtube, etc.),page navigation, and custom animations. By wrapping these plugins as JSF components, youmaintain the benefits of abstracting away the javascript in your application and encapsulatingthe behavior within the component. Simple use cases for custom JSF components can beachieved using the JSF 2 composite component feature. A more full-powered approachinvolves writing “full-fledged” JSF components, a process made dramatically easier with theRichFaces CDK. The CDK approach is based around a template file designed as an extension ofa JSF 2 composite component, along with a set of java annotations. These template files andannotations are processed at build time to create the classes required to provide JSF componentsand renderers. Together, we’ll take a look at creating custom JSF components using both of theabove techniques, and demonstrate how to take advantage of the many existing jQuery plugins,providing a rich experience in your web applications.

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