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Greek Isle Cruise--Female Cabin-Mate Needed

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, January 20, 2012, 11:09 AM

Regina, one of our "cruisers", has had her cabin-mate back out due to unforeseen circumstances.  Rather than having Regina cancel the inside cabin she has already booked (Category N - at the cost per person of $798.53), Cindy & I thought someone might look upon this as the "Last Chance" to get in on this FABULOUS Cruise!!!


Whaddya say??  Any Female out there interested in "jumping onto the bandwagon" and taking advantage of this opportunity?  Since Regina has booked this cabin - and LOCKED in the price of $798.53 [cruise-only price] - this 'category' of cabin has SOLD OUT!!  If you were to book today - on your own - you would HAVE to book a more expensive Category of cabin.


IF, IF, IF you are interested in joining us - and rooming with Regina (arrangements can be made for the two of you to meet each other) - PLEASE CONTACT CINDY !!ASAP!! @ 708/[masked].  This is a ONE-TIME opportunity; I will not be emailing again for this.  We MUST have all arrangements in place no later than approximately FEBRUARY 10.

