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What we’re about

My name is Annika. I am a Native American Ceremonial Practitioner. On a regular basis I offer Sweat Lodges, mainly in Hout Bay.

The Sweat Lodge is a Sacred Ceremony for cleansing, healing and creating anew on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It is a powerful tool for transformation.

The Sweat Lodge connects us with the 4 elements Air, Fire, Water & Earth and the Seven Sacred directions East, South, West and North, Above, Below and Within. Through the process we connect on a very deep level with our own Sacred Space and the Divine within.

The Lodge itself is built out of a framework of saplings made into a round
dome-like structure (the ribs: masculine). It is then covered with blankets and canvas to create the womb (feminine) of our Ethereal Mother Earth. Each lodge is different, the one we are using has 4 doors.

There is a small pit dug into the earth in the centre of the Lodge, where the hot rocks (Grandmother & Grandfather stones) are placed. The Lodge works on the same principles as the sauna - where water is poured over the rocks to create the steam. Once the doors are closed it is completely dark inside the lodge.

The shape of the lodge looks like a turtle and represents the Earth Mother; the Native Americans believe we live on the back of a Turtle. The idea is to go inside the womb of Mother Earth for healing and purification.

Please contact me if you have further questions.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

I look forward to sweating, cleansing, learning, healing and growing with you!

Lots of love,
your sister in service,
Annika Electra, Dancing Blue Dragonfly Woman

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