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What we’re about

The Surry Hills Sci-fi and Fantasy Book Club is a social group that is brought together by our love of sci-fi and fantasy novels! We alternate every month between the sci-fi and fantasy genres to read both new and classic books, and come together to have friendly discussions. We meet in-person on Saturdays and Sundays over food and drink. We also have social events during the month which can vary from going out to the movies, visiting galleries, drinks in bars and reading events.

The first time you come to the book club, there is no requirement to read the book! Amazing, right? Just introduce yourself, join in the conversation if you want. We usually have relaxed conversation following our discussion of the month's book, where we catch up on events in our lives.


Please apply to join the group and register for events before attending. Some events are for paid members only.

We have a waiting list to join the group, and we like to keep this a safe and engaging space to interact with others. Our apologies if you have been on there for a while, and remember to check in every now and again to let us know you're still interested.

We like to give people a trial before they sign up with us to see whether you like the kinds of events we run. After you attend 2 events and would like to continue, we charge a membership fee of $24 / year ($2 / month). This goes towards Meetup costs and the book club for event planning. After you have attended your first event, you will be given access to our Discord server.


We are pretty laid back, but we do have a few rules:

  1. Please register for the events you are going to be attending. If you can't make it remember to change your RSVP sooner rather than later as someone else may be waitlisted. Likewise, please register for either the Saturday OR Sunday book club each month so that others can have the opportunity to attend.
  2. We want to create a group where we have people who are active participants, which means attending events. While we can appreciate it may be difficult to motivate yourself, or you are hesitant to talk to strangers, we are a pretty friendly bunch and we can find some shared interests together. If you are not active, don't make contact / don't reply to messages, you will be removed from the group.


If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line!

Upcoming events (4+)

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