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What we’re about

Hi all members,

NSW Health has advised that anyone who has completed their double COVID -19 vaccination will be allowed outside of the LGA for exercise.

If not already confirmed, members will be asked to confirm their vaccination status to the event host prior to commencing any walk. Once confirmed their profile will be updated with a VC code. This code will alert future event hosts that you have provided necessary details previously.

The Service NSW mobile app now provides a vaccination certificate registration - to Activate please refer to instructions in the following web site:

Membership is 12 months after date payment is received. Please check here regularly for further updates as the current COVID-19 outbreak subsides and NSW gets back to a more normal situation.

What we're about

Do you enjoy spending your leisure time in the great outdoors, exploring the sights and sounds of Sydney suburbs and beyond, and doing it by foot? Health authorities continually remind us that regular exercise has positive physical and psychological benefits for people, especially those in sedentary vocations.
Sydney North-South-East-West Walks 40+ is a group for active people aged 40 years+ who want to participate in healthy walking exercise in a safe social environment.

What kinds of walks, how long and how hard?

Most walking events are graded from easy or medium levels of difficulty, ranging from six to 14 kilometres. Walks will proceed at a pace that is reasonable and manageable for the less experienced or novice walker.

There will be medium to hard (and hard) walks scheduled – these are normally over a longer distance (from 14 to 20km), over rough or steep graded tracks. Specific information will be posted to assist you in preparing for these walks.

There will be exploratory walks in areas with historical and architectural interest and significance. These walks will proceed at a leisurely pace (and include a stop/start element) to allow for the conveying of more detailed information

If you are an inexperienced or inactive walker and unsure if you're up to a particular walk you've seen posted on the group site, please contact the group organiser with your query. They will advise you and suggest the most appropriate walk/starting point for you.

If you are undertaking a walk and discover that the walk is a bit too taxing for your current level of fitness or for any other reason, let the event host know ASAP and they will direct you to the nearest transport hub or back to the start-point.

Sociable Walkers

Although the intent is to ensure that all walks are conducted in a proper, safe manner, N-S-E-W Walks 40+ is a friendly, easy-going, and sociable group, made up of friends - or friends waiting to be introduced to each other!

Good conversation is an integral part of the walking experience and adds value to the journey ... conversations that are invariably continued post-walk in the destination pub whilst imbibing a cool drink and a bite of food.

A good sense of humour is an invaluable asset to bring to the group, but we will insist that individuals show respect and behave with bonhomie towards other members.

Promoting healthy outdoor exercise

We intend to promote the benefits of healthy outdoor exercise and fitness improvements in a sustainable manner. Regular walking for 40+ years age group means clocking up the medically recommended minimum 10,000 steps per event to put you on the right path for a healthy outcome

Aesthetics and a visceral experience

Maximise the enjoyment on an event - the sense of being away from the built-up environment and indoor settings, and being able to appreciate what we observe along the way - i.e. natural beauty of the bush and green trails, attractive parklands and coastal areas, interesting buildings or structures.

We intend to set a more measured pace, so that we don't miss seeing - and photographing - the little gems (flora, fauna, human-made) that we pass on the way.

Enhanced Sociability and sharing common interests

Members may enjoy the satisfaction of completing a trek across a particular terrain and meeting new friends in your own age group, as well as widening your circle of existing friendships over a nice, cool beverage at the end!

Educational benefits

The art of learning something new ... an interesting back-story you didn't know, the history behind the public face of a suburb, a historic building, an old estate or an institution that we visit

What we are not about ...

Getting from point A to point B in the shortest possible time with scarcely a glance at the natural surroundings ... we are stayers, not sprinters! If you want to be in a walking group that walks everywhere at breakneck speed then seek an alternate Meetup group.

Some basic ground rules

• Please upload a recent profile photo showing head and shoulders that allows you to be recognised by other members and the group organiser / event host. Inappropriate or offensive photos will be rejected by the group organiser

• Please supply your meetup profile with an actual name (if you have a common first name, e.g., Andrew, Anna, David, Jen, Sue, etc., please also include at least the first initial of your surname).

• You may not use your introduction as a platform to promote a particular business interest or service, as this is intended to be a recreational interest group.

Member Etiquette - RSVPing for events

• when to use the attendance status NO and when not to - if you know that you are not going to attend a particular walk that you see posted up, do not automatically RSVP NO to it as the event host does not need to know that you aren't going to attend.

You should only ever use NO after having already RSVP'd YES to indicate that you are no longer planning to attend the walk

• if you have put your name down for a walk and then change your mind about going, make sure that you change your attendance status to NO before the scheduled start time for that event. Failure to do so is very inconsiderate to others who may be on the waiting list.

Terms and Conditions

It is a condition of joining the group that you agree to the terms and conditions listed below. You understand that:
• Sydney North-South-East-West Walks 40+ is an amateur group with volunteer organisers. Walking in the bush, on the coast or in urban areas with an amateur group rather than a professional guide involves additional risks. These include but are not limited to relying on other members for transportation, first aid or other assistance during an emergency, and general assistance during an event.
• you have assumed responsibility for your own safety and wellbeing (or that of any guest/s you invite) at any of our events.
• you agree to treat other participants in a respectful manner, and not to use insulting or threatening words, or anti-social behaviour?
• you are responsible for your own preparedness and wellbeing (or that of any guest/s you invite) and neither you nor your guest/s will hold anyone else, be it the group, the organisers, or any other party liable in case of death, injury or damage to personal property resulting from negligence, misadventure, accident or otherwise.
• Sydney North-South-East-West Walks 40+ does not provide liability insurance for the protection of individuals attending an event organised by our volunteer Event host.
• you agree to read the details of a walk before attending, to ensure that it appears to be within your capabilities, including the need to bring appropriate gear and walking aids, and is not likely to exacerbate any medical conditions you may have?

By joining Sydney North-South-East-West Walks 40+ and RSVPing and attending one of its events, you understand that you are attending all events entirely at your own risk. You are responsible for ensuring your safety and wellbeing from the time you leave home until you return from an event.

Membership Dues

Members of Sydney North-South-East-West Walks 40+ are required to pay an annual membership fee of $10 upon joining. 

Payment needs to be made prior to, or upon attending their first event.

This membership payment covers a period of twelve months, over a calendar year. All members are expected to renew their membership each calendar year via a further payment before continuing their participation in the group's events.

How to pay your $10 annual membership fee online.

AUD10.00 – each calendar year

Make payment by:

An EFT Direct deposit into the NSEW 40+ group account

Bank: ANZ St Ives
Bank BSB: 012403
Account No: 643226548
Account Name: Helen L Markiewicz

IMPORTANT: When paying online make sure you write on the reference line provided (e.g. Fred Smith 21092021):

• the exact name you joined under
• the date of joining

We need to identify you correctly as the payer to ensure that you are marked off as Financial for the year.

You may also pay the NSEW 40+ organiser or event host by cash in person on the day of your first walk.

Note: Refunds are not offered for this Meetup group.