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What we’re about

"People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them."Epictetus

Stoicism is focused on how we can live the best lives possible and achieving happiness. This group will be be dedicated to using Stoicism to achieve that goal to apply Stoicism to our every day lives by using Stoic principles to achieve happiness. This group will attempt to cover Stoicism in depth, while still maintaining a focus on how to apply it to our lives in a realistic and meaningful way.

Making Stoicism accessible while simultaneously not watering it down is a focus of mine. Anyone with a interest in philosophy should join, even if you don't know too much about Stoicism as the discussion will be easy to follow and relevant.

Anyone in general who is interested in peace of mind and mindfulness should consider joining, as the main goal of Stoicism is to be happy. Stoicism provides many useful tools and is a fantastic guide on how we can live our lives. Although it was made 2000 years ago, it suits our modern world very well.

We also have a whatsapp group to organize more casual events for those interested. You can join with the link below.

Upcoming events (4+)

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