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What we’re about

Welcome Data lovers far and wide!

"Women in Data - Be Bold" is not just an event, it's a call to action for women in the data industry. We want to inspire and empower females to break through barriers, take risks, and challenge the status quo. We believe that women have an essential role to play in driving innovation and progress in the data industry.

Through our series of events, we aim to provide a platform for women to connect, learn, and grow together. We want to create a community that supports and celebrates the achievements of women in data, and inspires the next generation of female leaders.

We believe that being bold means taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone. It means standing up for what you believe in, even when it's difficult. It means pushing boundaries And most importantly, it means believing in yourself and your abilities.

So, we are hosting a series of events where you will hear from a diverse panel of female leaders who have made a significant impact in the data industry.

Join our events, connect with like-minded individuals, and share your experiences and insights. Take risks and push yourself to reach new heights. Advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and support other women in their careers.

Together, we can create a more inclusive and diverse data industry that reflects the world we live in. So, join us for "Be Bold - Women in Data" and let's make a difference!