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What we’re about

(Classes will resume soon I have a family medical issue ongoing)

The goal of SYMBOLISM is SPIRITUAL growth and SPIRITUAL guidance.
SYMBOLISM is as simple as asking “What is the meaning within this?”
Searching for a meaning that has a SPIRITUAL foundation.
A foundation that everything happens for a reason, and
We are here for a SPIRITUAL purpose
GOD, SPIRIT, UNIVERSE, LIGHT is everywhere and within everything
Understanding your own SYMBOLISM will help you
Explore and complement your current SPIRITUAL beliefs
You can learn ways to open up communication from your true teacher within
One way to open up this kind of communication through
Meditation and self-reflection.
I have put these simple flexible tools together with a few goals in mind
Creating tools for anyone that has just a little time in their busy day or
a lot more time to explore
Easy to learn tools that are flexible
So you can use them at any time or any place
These tools are meditative, relaxing and can be fun
For anybody that has spent a lot of time on their SPIRITUAL JOURNEY or
Just becoming aware they have one
Daily life can get a little busy
You can use these tools in just a few minutes a day or longer if you like.
I am not saying this is the way it has to be done or should be done
Just a little gentle guidance while sharing thoughts to be
Explored on your SPIRTUAL PATH
So, I have tried my best to break it down to the basics so you can stay on your own SPIRITUAL PATH
The goal of these tools is to create a foundation for a very personalized path of SPIRITUAL GROWTH
Because it is your SPIRITUAL PATH, and the only true guide is from within you,
your Higher Self
More importantly with the goal of finding the SPIRITUAL LIGHT within yourself,
Within everything.

This group is for people who:
· Are interested in SPIRITUAL GROWTH
· Want to act on their interest in SPIRITUAL GROWTH
· Want to be around others interested in SPIRITUAL GROWTH
Meditative Gatherings to Explore our Symbolism
This is a “ Teaching you how to fish instead of giving you a fish” 
type of a gathering.
Life does not have a place where we can put a nickel into a slot then the answer just comes out. The learning process is at your own pace but, this philosophy, outlook and tools are for someone that is Serious about their SPIRITUAL GROWTH
It is our everyday thoughts and actions that create our real SPIRITUAL GROWTH.
After exploring your SYMBOLS for a while, you will start to see and
Experience things more SPIRITUALLY
Free to join and this group will be meeting to
Meditate and discuss SPIRTUAL GROWTH.


We will be spending time reflecting, thinking, asking, meditating on finding guidance from within.

I hope this is something you will enjoy attending and that will help you create SPIRITUAL GROWTH
Now is the time for this type of GATHERING that exercises our spirit.
Reach out with any comments or questions
Thank You for your time and consideration

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