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What we’re about

QUICK HEADS-UP: Although I (stef) am named as co-organiser of the group along with the wonderful Yumi Downie-Blackwell, famous for her highly excellent book swap events, I run the group on my own— to wit—direct questions and queries to me, thanks!

There is a mysterious and frequently overlooked benefit of talking to strangers about tricky and/or difficult things, to wit: we get to shed the invisible luggage we inadvertently acquire in our closer relationships, and say what we wish without being judged/ potentially offending loved ones/losing our jobs.
Primary aim of this group is to delve into the oddities of life and provide a safe space to examine questions we don’t usually trust ourselves to ask other people.

Talkers, thinkers, ponderers, bibliophiles, all are welcome. All opinions and points of view and even potential conflicts in the form of civil discussion will be encouraged, but disrespectful behaviour of any sort will not be tolerated. To wit: everyone gets an equal chance to communicate but those behaving disrespectfully will be promptly (albeit kindly) asked to leave.

This is a free event, affiliated to nothing and run by a (generally) good-natured volunteer who likes talking to strangers about strange things.

IMPORTANT BEFORE RSVPing: Flakeyness will not be tolerated, There is a ‘confirm RSVP 48 hrs before event’ and last minute no-shows will be automatically placed on the waiting list for subsequent meet-ups. Probably this sounds harsh and am always open for alternate suggestions, but for those who disagree I suggest having a go at event-planning when no-shows take all spots prompting complaints from an inevitably frustrated waiting list  :)