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Re: [tampa-bay-thinkers] demonstration of EFT?

From: Jean M.
Sent on: Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:14 PM

I think I'd rather have a séance. ...if we are to explore stuff that only work if you believe it works, let's bring in some palm readers.  Or voodoo.  Or some preachers who can do that "Sha-zam!" Prayer thing on crippled people...I LOVE THOSE!!!
Anyone see brent's links he posted on forum about how EFT is a scam?  It works the way tarot cards 'work'...

But if we ARE going to continue focusing on "alternative meds"---maybe can we just start a subgroup for that...??  Maybe we should call the subgroup "NONsuspicious Minds"??   
           Maybe we could hire some Elvis impersonators to lead those "NONsuspicious Minds"  meetings??  How many Elvis impersonators is too many?
I say 3 or 4 seems a nice number. ...

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