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Cicada 3301 - Cracking The Code

Photo of Josef Sieber
Hosted By
Josef S.
Cicada 3301 - Cracking The Code


Join us for an intriguing session with Connor Tumbleson, as they unravel the mysteries of Cicada 3301, the online puzzle that has mystified the world since 2012. A puzzle so unique that it bridged a gap between the digital and physical world. With a deep dive into all three puzzles released by Cicada 3301, Connor will provide detailed explanations of the solves, including cryptographic techniques and steganography methods, essential for navigating these complex challenges.

In this talk, Connor will not only review the puzzles but also offer insights into the basic understanding of all techniques used whether a basic shift cipher or a complex midi solve. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of Cicada 3301 as an internet phenomenon and with enhanced problem-solving skills, particularly in the context of complex and unconventional puzzles. Whether you're a cryptography enthusiast or simply intrigued by online mysteries, this session promises to be enlightening and engaging for veterans and novices alike.

Photo of Tampa Devs group
Tampa Devs
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