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What we’re about

Join our community as we tap away stress, anxiety, and other challenges using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, aka tapping). 
Tapping can help you:

•  Clear stored emotions and beliefs that add to your stress
•  Let go of any unreasonable expectations about yourself, people you are in relationship with, or the world
•  Feel less anxious and more hopeful
• Address where you're stuck in your life – relationships, work, health, prosperity, etc.

The beauty of EFT is its simplicity. You just tap on various meridian points on your body while addressing a specific concern. Group members will take turns tapping on their specific issues while everyone else taps along. You also can choose not to share an issue and still get the benefit of group tapping. 
No experience necessary! You're welcome whether you're new to EFT or if you're a seasoned tapper. 
Note that tapping does not replace medical advice or treatment when it is called for.

Organizer Lisa Nichols is a certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and a certified life coach. She offers individual sessions via Zoom or phone.