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Becoming a Leader: What to do when everyone looks to you?

Photo of Jason Erdahl
Hosted By
Jason E. and 2 others
Becoming a Leader: What to do when everyone looks to you?


We've all been there, you are working on a project, seeing the path to take but seeing your team not take it. How do you speak up? How do you shift to leading instead of following? Or maybe you've just been given your first management level role. You have a team but don't feel equipped to guide them. Or maybe you've been running teams for a long time but always seem to hit a wall that prevents you from achieving your vision?

This session is designed to take all the bumps and stumbles along the way and equip people for leading regardless of if it's your first time leading or if you are an old hat at it.

The session will start by setting up the context and framing the question. Pulling people in with a personal story of first-time leadership. Then we will identify the "Leader Point". How do you recognize that moment in time where you can make a dent in the universe. Once we've covered how to recognize where you are we'll go into strategies for leading all driven by the principle that a good leader maximizes the results of the team they serve. Lastly, the session will end with practical takeaways to practice at your job.

Please attend for a chance to win a license from our partners at JetBrains.

This will be an online-only event - with the link below!

We'll start at 5:30 PM CST, but feel free to grab a beverage and join a bit earlier!

Photo of Twin Cities .NET User Group group
Twin Cities .NET User Group
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