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What we’re about

Welcome to meetup. is a data driven interview preparation organization. We use data and calibration to help our members to improve , become better and get the best placements in the Seattle area. 


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  2. Join our track for Advanced Software engineers
  3. Join our track for Beginners software engineers
  4. Join our track for Technical Program Managers
  5. Join our track for Software Engineering Manager


Here are a few video reviews where we moved the needle 360 degree 


Bharat is a seasonded TPM who has very impressive credentials.His prior positions included TPM at companies like Linkedin, Amazon and Oracle. However his prior expeirence with Facebook and Google did not yield positive results.This intrigued him and he was determined to understand and grow into his dream company. Our training provided him a structure for answering various behavior and technical questions. We also taught him techniques to market himself in an interview setting. He worked very hard on the concepts he took from the numerous 1-on-1 sessions with his coaches. The offer from Facebook and a nice 30% increase in total comp was a result of 3-4 months of dedicated effort on his part and the guidance from interviewhelp team 

Adi Adiseshu was working in infosys and was looking to move to a FANG company, when he came across our service. He had made a couple of attempts at Amazon and had not been able to clear the interview.The frustrating part was he did not get any feedback so he kind of hit a road block. Interviewhelp team worked with improving his system design skills, polishing his TPM skills and working on his answer delivery.We helped him with choosing the right stories and gave him critical feedback on delivery.Now Adi is working at Amazon and is one of top tier companies in the industry


George Andraws is a seasonded Dev manager(SAP Concur) , QA Manager (Apple) and TPM (Amazon) and has 19+ years of industry experience. He was working at SAP Concur as a Sr. SDM and was looking to change. He quickly realized that he was very strong at people and project management but not so in Distributed System Design. His various roles just did not give him as much oppotunity to flex his Distributed System Design skills.'s team helped him a structure his approach to system design interviews.After a few sessions George quickly picked up the skill and was able to get 2 offers


Harshvir was recently laid off after working for the same organization for 10 years.He was clueless on the new LEET code interview movement that every one has so fondly adopted. Fortunately a friend refered him to interviewhelp and he started with our unique daily leetcode program.Within 1 month, he was able to master the most important leetcode pattern and now has a great fulltime job at AXON.

Mayuresh was in a very precarious state.The startup he was working in was folding and all the top level executives were jumping ships. When he joined our program he was very nervous and not sure if things will pan out for him.He was on a F1 visa and desparately needed H1B sponsorship. My team helped him get very very regular with leetcode, conducted multiple mock interviews to find the gaps and coached him on quickly filling them up.When he was ready interviewhelp team presented him to potential top tier (tier-1 and tier-2 ) employers.Mayuresh was able to crack the oracle interview in his first attempt.He was so happy with the Oracle team and offer that he declined other interviews we had lined up for him