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Re: [TGTSNBN] [ORG] Tickets for the opening night of The Lightning Thief Musical

From: Irvin K
Sent on: Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 9:46 AM
Just to clarify, this has no bearing on the meetup for the musical in mid-August, right?  That's still happening?  I can't do this Thursday, but I am still so excited to see it with the Group in a few weeks!


-----Original Message-----
From: J.Rosenthal <[address removed]>
To: tgtsnbn-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Mon, Jul 21,[masked]:04 pm
Subject: [TGTSNBN] [ORG] Tickets for the opening night of The Lightning Thief Musical

The opening night of the musical production of The Lightning Thief is this Thursday.
Theaterworks, the producers of the show have offered us 20 tickets to this premiere. Here are the important details:
-          This is an official premiere and the NY Times will be there along with other press. So theater appropriate attire is strongly encouraged.
-          The producers have asked that we laugh and cheer and generally help with the energy of the show. I can assure you this won’t be a problem J The show is excellent.
-          After the show is over the producers have requested that the people who attended, post to various social media sites about seeing the show and how they enjoyed it. They will have more details about the social media tags to use at the show.
-          You MUST be at the show doors at 6:15pm this Thursday July 24th.
-          The theater is Lucille Lortel Theatre,
121 Christopher Street, between Bleecker Street and Hudson Street
-          Send me an e-mail to [address removed] with the subject “LIGHTNING THIEF TICKETS” and in the body tell me if you want 1 or 2 tickets.
-          The cut off for tickets is tomorrow night, Tuesday July 22nd at 11:59pm. If you email me after that you will not be able to receive a ticket.
-          All the tickets will be in my name at the theater. I will distribute them between 6pm – 6:15pm at the theater the night of the production.
-          I will reply to every e-mail confirming you are on my list.
-          If you have any questions please e-mail directly.

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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