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What we’re about

Ever wish you could meet the madman with a blue box? Drink a PanGalactic GargleBlaster; perhaps in the Mos Eisley Cantina? Plan a holiday on Discworld? Know the 3 laws of robotics? No? That's ok. Regardless of whether the above questions sound like gibberish or make sense to you, if you like to read sci fi/fantasy novels and have interesting discussions about them, (and see films based on them) then this is the group for you.

We will meet once a month to have an exciting discussion on the book we all collectively read. A book can be great, but not necessarily good for a book club. And that is what is so great about scifi, in my opinion, that it has so much fodder for great discussions/debates.

Our meetings will be in English; but all are welcome (you can read the novels in whatever language you choose). If you're not familiar with the concept of a book club- we all read the same book prior to the meeting (event will be posted a minimum of a month in advance); then we meet up (usually at a café/bar) to discuss it whilst snacking/drinking. It’s ok if you didn’t finish it, but expect spoilers. I've co-organised a very successful book club where we had 20 attendees + a waitlist every month. So, I have high hopes!