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What we’re about

cause·way /ˈkôzˌwā/


a raised road or track across low or wet ground.
a bridge between your internal world ( emotions & spirit) and the external world (physical reality & community). Walking the causeway symbolizes navigating this connection and finding harmony within yourself and your surroundings

The Cause Way is a Monthly Meet Up beginning in January 2024

We will be following The Wheel of the Year, the Solstices & The Equinox.

I will open each circle with a grounding meditation & ritual and offer spiritual resources & guidance. This will be a safe & sacred space for sharing experiences, asking questions, and offering support.

Everyone is welcome to come to share, practice or learn.

This is an open community for discussing various spiritual topics, philosophies, and personal experiences.

Gathering for specific rituals or ceremonies honoring different traditions or practices.

Exploring art, music, or writing to explore spirituality and foster deeper connections with oneself and others.

The Cause Way refers to a space where we gather for spiritual practices, meditations, rituals, or discussions. This shared journey creates a supportive community and strengthens individual progress.

This is donation based pay what you can, when you can, come & go as you please.