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What we’re about

Fathering might be the most important job you will ever have as a man, and you don't have to do it alone! We are a NYC-based community of fathers here to serve our children to be successful, happy and well-adjusted individuals.
We gather twice a month, with the express intent of improving the quality of fathering in our communities. By incorporating a team approach, and believing that collectively we are able to benefit from the wisdom and experience of all men in the room, we help each other to be the best dads we can possibly be.
What other fathers have to say.....
"I had lost touch with my daughters for fifteen years. I now have them back in my life in the most powerful way I could have imagined"
"The dads in the room are great core individuals with the intelligence and experience to successfully lead with powerful, magnanimous and pioneering vision and deliver practical results"
We invite you to contact us to join in on this wonderful journey ahead of us.
For more information, contact David Turk at: