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What we’re about

How many of you have more than five friends within walking distance you can count on, to go out for a coffee or a beer at a moments notice when you need to vent or relax, or to help you dissassemble and move your oversized ikea wardrobe to your new flat, or to go for a run or a swim or a game of squash with, or to hold you accountable for not finishing and to motivate you to out more effort into this creative project you have had on the back burner for ever?

The purpose of this group is to help you create and expand your social circle by meeting such people that would help you get more active and be more creative.

It could be by giving you the motivation to go out and do more stuff or by offering you a spark of inspiration or motivation.

Hopefully through the events organised people will have fun and make friendships that would last beyond the time set asside for the meets.