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Ballerina Shoot in the Old Cemetery

Photo of Anastazia
Hosted By
Ballerina Shoot in the Old Cemetery


For this event you will have the opportunity to photograph three lovely classically trained adult ballerinas in action.

Our venue for the shoot is the Cathcartr Old Cemetery. This is an atmospheric old worldy graveyard with mature foliage and ornate grave stones that have been standing proud for centuries.
If the weatehr is very poor we will move the shoot to The Govan Old Parish Church. This is an old Victorian Gothic Church with lots of great features. It also has an adjoining graveyard

If photogprahing ballerinas in front of the stones is not your thing, there are losts of other great backdrops, including beautiful trees and summer flora. Photographers willing, we may wander to the waterfall and Linn park in the second half of the shoot and captures some spectacular shots

On the day we will be working on a 1:2 ballerina to photogrpaher ratio. Our ballerinas will be sporting a number of outfits including tutus and leotards. One of our dancers will be wearing the classic pancake tutu ballerina dress. You will also have acces to a variety of lighting including portable falsh, flash triggers etc. An expert/s will be on hand to help with setup and advise. You are encouraged to bring along any equipment of your own and/or outfits/backdrops/props if you wish.

Although not strictly a tutored shoot this would be a great opportunity to pose and light a model in idyllic surroundings. A professional photographer/s will be on hand to help with setup and advise, so this event is suitable for those who are new to model photography, as well as more seasoned photographers who would like to take their photography skills to a new level.

The shoots are informal, friendly and fun and you can look forward to a warm welcome.
You can view images of Cathcart Old Cemetery and Linn Park

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We will be photographing from 12:00 to 15:00 on the day. If you would like to be a part of this shoot, just get in touch stating your prefered slots/s.
Do drop me a line to let me know that you will be attending. If you would be good enoug to add your name and a reference to the shoot when you make your transaction, that would be appreciated, as it helps me identify who is paying and what they are paying for.

One hour slot is - £40
All three hours - £100

You can pay via bank transfer(preferred) or Paypal
Bank Transfer
Llittle Red Foxes
Sort Code - 83-52-00
Account Number - 10057090

Paypal -

I have been told that PayPal now charge members (that's you) a fee for booking directly via the Meetup site. If you would like to avoid this you can pay via the bank transfer which is free of charge (preferred) or use to pay direct via Paypal. If you let me know that you have book I will add you to the shoot.

Refunds will be given if the event is cancelled. When an event is arranged, the booked models have to be paid whether the event goes ahead or not. This also applies to venues. A good deal administration and time goes in to organising the Meetups. Many shoots are under subscribed. When this happens we prefer to go ahead, rather that cause disappointment to all involved. If for any reason you are unable to attend an event, we may be able to offer you a spot, free of charge, on a future shoot. This is at the discretion of the organiser. We cannot accommodate requests for specific events. An Organiser will notify you of any availability*****

Photo of The Glasgow Photography Club group
The Glasgow Photography Club
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160 Brenfield Rd
160 Brenfield Road · Glasgow
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