What we’re about
This page is hosted by Seana Mahoney, from The Health Coach Gals
I have decided to create a Healthy Gals meet up group In LV…
To make some NEW Gal~Pal connections, Network, and share each other’s resources…Women supporting women! Where everyone feels like they belong, and everyone is supported….
Because what I know for sure, is that…there is POWER in the pack!
I want this group of women to act as “connectors” to new friendships and opportunities.
It’s AMAZING to be part of a group of women who want YOU to be YOUR very best and actively help you to succeed.
We’re better together…It’s that simple.
Cheers to LiVing your BEST LiFe!
The Health Coach Gals!
You understand that the information received from us, should not be seen as medical advice and is certainly not meant to take the place of your seeing licensed health professionals, including your doctor.
You understand and agree that we are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever, any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body, we are not acting in the capacity of a doctor or licensed dietitian-nutritionist and you have chosen to participate in this group voluntarily.
As coaches, we encourage you to maintain a relationship with your primary care physician or doctor. In the event that you do not have one and/or do not have routine physicals, we encourage you to do so. Do not discontinue or change any treatment plan that you may be on under the care of your medical doctor.