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What we’re about

Do you enjoy reflecting deeply on topics others might avoid? (Philosophy, Psychology, Technology, Ethics, Religion, Music, Art....)

Do you find that spending a whole day in stimulating spaces (lots of noise or people) makes you feel exhausted by the end of the day?

Are you known for being conscientious?

Do you tend to use nuanced language for your intellectual/emotional experiences?
Are you someone others find easy to talk to?

You might be among the 20% of people who have what is called "sensory processing sensitivity" (And's not a disorder). People with this trait are often creative, thoughtful, reflective, and insightful. They tend to blend in (as they are fabulous chameleons) and put on a good show of being like everyone else. But inside? We all feel a little like outsiders. Jacob Nordby hits it on the head in his book "Blessed are the Weird" when he says:

“You can’t know this right now, but…
your ragged, rugged honesty…
your crazy, passionate, naked vulnerability…
your trusting plunge into the unknown of Life at every turn…
your journey of love and healing…
these change your world, the world of those around you and the world as a whole.
Someday you’ll know how important you are.”
― Jacob Nordby

This is a meetup for those who identify as introverted and/or highly sensitive. It's a group for those who crave community and connection with those who not only understand what it's like to have this trait...but who want to join together and CELEBRATE it.

This is a new group, so your willingness to participate means you will have a hand in shaping it. For now, the structure is intended to be as follows:

Time: 90 minutes (if you need to leave early, that's perfectly fine.)

Each week will have a theme (I'll put the theme each on the board so you can tell if it's a topic that interests you).

Check-in: 15 minutes:
Each week, I'll start with a check-in question (Example - What do you like most about being a highly sensitive person?). Each person will be given a chance to answer it. If you don't feel like speaking - no worries! Just say "pass." There is nothing wrong with wanting to simply sit back and listen for the day.

Discussion: 60 minutes
I'll cover some general information about the topic for that week. For example - if the topic is about "rest" we can spend some time talking about what the research suggests is "enough rest" for highly sensitive people and what strategies can be applied so that HSP can get enough rest in a world that often pressures us to always be "doing." This is a subject I have spent a great deal of time on (it's a group I serve in my coaching practice and a group I have studied simply because I am a part of it). So if it feels appropriate to share tips/tricks or information, I'll do so. Ultimately, though, I'm hoping to simply facilitate the space so that OTHERS can share with each other. 

I will try and break it up so that there is some variety of approaches. For example, if the topic is on creativity, I might carve out some time to write in a journal or sketch for a few moments. I think having tangible examples is lovely - but it helps if we get a chance to actually practice the stuff. I'll only do that if it's appropriate for the theme and I'll let you know in advance that I'll be doing that so you don't get surprised on the spot.  

Wrap-Up: 15 minutes
I tend to love having a chance to chew on things, alone, for a bit. So each week, I'll give a subject or a question for you to reflect on. I'll provide pen and paper for you so that you can journal, sketch...whatever feels good to you. Or if you just want to sit back and think without having to write anything down - that's great, too. For example, if the theme was about the importance of giving yourself rest, I might give 15 minutes or so for you to journal about what things make you feel more rested.

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