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What we’re about

The HUMAN INFUSION PROJECT is about people coming together as a community to break unwanted thought and behavior patterns by learning the practical neuroscience and applied psychology behind self-regulation and personal growth. I'm an online educator and public speaker trying to share practical information and understanding about the brain and our bodies - information that I wish I had earlier in my life, and in my own recovery.

Please watch the video, to learn more about why we give so much education away for free or low cost.

I was a healthcare worker for 22 years who eventually had to go through burnout and near marriage implosion before I buckled down to do what I need to do self-regulate my stress response system and strengthen underutilized areas of my brain. And for me, a real surge in commitment to change came from learning the neuroscience and applied psychology behind personal growth, self-regulation and change work. So this is what I hope to share with others.

Although everyone talks about the need to increase Emotional Intelligence and become self-regulated, few describe what it actually takes at a brain pathway level to do it, AND in language that the average person can understand. Therapists and coaches can sometimes be vague. And scientists can be overly academic in their language. That’s where I come in. I've been told throughout my life that I have knack for making complex things, easier to understand. Okay, well here I am, sharing the functional assets of both brain science and psychology, in live webinar format, and hoping I inspire more people do the work that sustainable, integrative change requires. And to reach out to get the support they need, to do it.

We've all got a powerful tool between our ears, but so many of us are not optimally using it. I hope I can encourage you through practical knowledge to continue, or begin, the work that sustainable, integrative change requires. We need you out there. But we need you reconnected to who you really are, and with a brain and body optimized to showcase it.

My presentation style uses straight-forward, non-academic, conversational language, relatable story-telling and powerful visuals to help you understand what’s actually happening in your brain and body when you’re working on personal growth, emotional self-regulation, or trauma recovery.

For me, once I understood how my brain and body worked, I was more motivated to dig in and do the work that sustainable change requires. So this is what I hope for you too.

The HUMAN INFUSION PROJECT is about sharing my education, insight and experience on what it takes to get your brain and body operating as it was designed to, so that who you are at heart can be showcased through your skills. I’d be honored if you allow me to me decipher the often complicated language of change, so you can see more clearly what it takes to make it happen.


NOTE: I present the entire 24-segment WHOLE-BRAIN RELATIONSHIPS COURSE annually for free, usually in the last quarter. If you missed it, or want to watch it at your own pace now, you can also access a recorded version here. All presentations in this meetup refer to this course material in some way. So although not required for attendance, the knowledge you'll gain from this course will definitely enhance your change-work. Please email me if cost is a barrier. No one will be denied access to the course due to financial hardship.

This group and series is for you if –

• You’re educated and intelligent but struggle to connect in relationships with others.
• You’re sensitive and empathic but struggle to effectively manage your emotional sensitivity
• You love what you do for a living but are close to burning out.
• You’re a clinician or helping-field professional who is looking for a new way to motivate your clients to follow through on the work of recovery and change.
• You’re an over-achiever but struggle with high-functioning anxiety
• You are open-minded, but lean towards evidence-based science to make
• You’re creative and spiritual but struggle to put it into action that serves others
• You find yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships and feel stuck.
• You want to change some aspect of your life but wonder if it’s worth the effort?
• You’re overwhelmed by growth strategy choices and don’t know where to begin.
• You feel like the same things that drive you, are the same things burning you out
• You’re interested in psychology and brain science but get overwhelmed with all the academic talk and complex language.
• You wonder which areas of the brain we really can influence?

The Plan

Throughout the year, my plan is, region by region (through Meetup), to continue to share practical knowledge about the brain and body that I wish I had earlier in my life and feel everyone should know. These online webinar presentations are for adults of any age. And I guarantee you’ll learn something new, or in a new way, from this series. All presentations will be either be free, by donation or at a very low cost. Because I feel that everyone deserves a chance to improve their life, regardless of resource level.

I’m also building a Mental Wellness Assistance Grant so that people with limited resources can continue to get the coaching, therapy or mental health assistance they’ve taken the initiative to begin. Therapy, coaching and personal growth seminars can be quite expensive. And although I consider mental health to be a type of personal investment, I also believe that for many people, the need can outrun available resources. So my presentations will be a mix of free, donation and paid events (but highly affordable) with 100% of the proceeds from every presentation going into this grant. We plan to start taking applications for allotment Q4 of 2022.

In the 4-part WHOLE-BRAIN RELATIONSHIPS series, I’ve created a comprehensive, yet easy to absorb course that will answer the following questions, as well as many more:

• What exactly is self-regulation and how do we develop it?
• What the difference between Emotions and Feelings? And do we really even need emotions?
• Why is pattern change and ‘Recovery’ so dang hard?
• How can regulating the brain and body supplement & amplify your spiritual practice?
• What is Polyvagal theory?
• What are limiting beliefs and how are they created?
• How does a healthy stress response system compare to a dysregulated stress response system?
• What exactly is trauma? And how does it impact our nervous system?
• What does it mean when someone says that trauma is ‘held in the body’?
• Are we stuck with the personalities, bodies and brains that we have?
• Can we actually change the brain? And if so, which specific areas?
• What are brain waves and feedback loops? How do they contribute to addiction?
• Why do two people respond so differently to the same situation?
• What’s are the differences between the conscious, subconscious and unconscious states of the brain?
• Is mental pain and discomfort bad for us or unhealthy?
• What’s the physiological underpinnings of anxiety or apathy?
• Is there more to us than just our brains and bodies?
• What if we don’t really want to change?

I present this course annually for free. But you can also access a recorded version and watch it at your own pace here:

The Bottom Line

The HUMAN INFUSION PROJECT is about making personal development less complicated and more affordable so that more people have a chance to create the life they want. And I've come to realize through my own work that the key to accessing our more essential nature, and living more whole, integrated lives lies in first getting our brains and bodies operating closer to the way they are designed to run. And THAT begins… with first understanding how they actually work in the first place.

If you're interested in subscribing to our monthly community newsletter, sign up here:

I look forward to meeting you.


Jen Stover, founder
The Human Infusion Project, Sisu Ventures, LLC
Online educator, Personal Growth
strategist, Motivational speaker, Mentor,
(former) Neurophysical Rehab specialist, Pattern bagger,
Human Being.

DISCLAIMER: SisuVentures, LLC, The Human Infusion Project, and the information provided by Jennifer Stover, is solely intended for helpful, supportive, informational purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. The views expressed on The Human Infusion Project website or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.