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What we’re about

We have a Discord server now! If you want access to it, send Charles a message and he can help you with a link to join.

We are a group of IT professionals that are interested in many aspects of the IT industry. The initial purpose of this group is to allow IT hobbyists and professionals to be able to get together, share information, and help each other learn. We will be discussing many topics including, but certainly NOT limited to, the following: Virtualziation, Firewalls, Security, White Hat/Grey Hat/Ethical Hacking as related to securing networks, Networks in general, and Linux. Other topics along these lines are more than welcome!!

We now have a WebEx account for our meetings as well as in person. This means that if you can't make it out to Warrenville due to distance, time, etc. and you would still like to attend/participate on the sessions, you can now do it remotely.  We will have a different link for each session, so if you can't make it to a session, shoot a message to Charles and he will get you the link for the session so you can join in.