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What we’re about

As a family lawyer I often meet fathers who express frustration and disappointment in how their parental rights are automatically secondary to mothers. My response is always the same: it’s not in your head. Laws that are written to sound neutral (i.e., stating that both parents have equal rights) can be and are applied in a non-neutral manner. For example, despite the fact that the law says both parents have equal rights, fathers are forced to prove that they’re involved enough to deserve a 50/50 parenting time schedule. This is even more absurd in cases where the child was initially residing with both parents. Likewise, we sometimes see situations where fathers are forced to pay child support while the mothers continue to alienate them and deny them time with their children. If the father fails to pay child support then he can be arrested, yet there’s no real consequence for mothers who ignore court orders and/or outright deny them parenting time. I’ve created this group to provide a support system to fathers who find themselves in this situation and to also provide general tips on how to protect your parental rights and your child. The world needs more loving dads and more people should be in your corner. So join me in building a safe space for loving dads and continuing my fight against discrimination and stereotypes that in the end only really harm children.