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What we’re about

Dear Members
The New York/New Jersey Actors & Writers group is a very unique group, with an equally unique title. One that will cater to a wide swatch of the entertainment medium from film, to theater, documentaries and movie shorts, also I welcome any suggestions that members may deem relevant. But as it is in a period when forward thinking adventurers are staking claims upon brilliant imaginary brainstorms, thus the task then became clear that an idea that stretched beyond a routine gimmick was what I felt was now required. Therefore it then should come as no surprised that what was needed in this case was to create a following that moved across the barrier of one location, thus from my co-organizing perch atop the summit of the Atlanta Filmmakers Alliance, I decided to sound a clarion call for artist of all stripes. Gifted actors and writers from the talent riches of New York & New Jersey the region of my birth.
To wit it was on that premise that the choice was made to pursue the very best up and coming professionals, those whose journey's are equivalent to mines. So let it be known that as I've toiled, my sights have continuously remained pointed in one direction, that which heads upward. Because my quest is a simple one, a steadfast dedication to leaving no one behind, one for all, and all for everyone, non-success is not an option. Listen, confidence should come from the top and that's what I'm for, a cheerleader, sort of, but more than that, more like a motivator because for all those who decides to hitch their wagons to this unit, if there’s anyone who believes in you, it’s me. I’ve been waiting too long for my opportunity to shine and dammit I’ve waited long enough, so let’s do this together.  
P.S// For what it's worth, I'm a New Yorker who lives in the city. Me and my family moved to Atlanta in 97 and that's where all of this started from, hell I'm a retired I.T junkie who in 2009 needed something else to amuse myself with,,, thus the new drug of choice was,, "Entertainment",, oh well, what else is new!!
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