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What we’re about

This group has been designed for people who wish to deepen their knowledge of the French language through literary works and cultural discussions. We will explore books written by famous French authors, classics of French literature as well as contemporary works. During the classes, we will speak in French.

The French Book Club is for you if you want to...
✅ practise French differently
✅ acquire more vocabulary and improve your grammar
✅ enhance your cultural understanding of French society
✅ practise conversation every week
✅ be part of a community of French language and culture enthusiasts

Who am I?
Coucou! My name is Gladys, I’'ve been teaching French to foreigners for nearly two decades, and when I'm not conjugating verbs, you can find me singing, addicted to yoga, and proudly parenting the cutest girl in the world.
From the Alliance Française to universities abroad, now rocking the online teaching scene from France. Pronunciation nerd, conversation catalyst, grammar guru, and all-around culture enthusiast. Ready to sprinkle some French magic on your learning journey!
My website:

Upcoming events (1)

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