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What we’re about

Hi, lovely to have you here!

If you are reading this, chances are that you don't always find it easy to deal with difficult emotions. In our modern society, we have learned from a young age on what are considered to be "positive" emotions, and this has been reinforced time and time again. And the (implicit) message was that we needed to get rid of so called "negative" emotions, because these were being rejected, disapproved of or at least frowned upon.

Know that from ancient wisdoms, an emotion is simply energy in motion (e-motion). We all have the innate power to deal with emotions, however overwhelming and gut-wrenching they may feel in the moment. When we learn to listen and observe them, with compassion and curiosity, we no longer have to let go of our emotions - they let go of us. This is how emotional blockages inside of us resolve, so we can live a freer and more purposeful life.

This is journey for the courageous! So, thank you all for being here. And let's see how we can learn and support together in this process :)

I have recently taken over this group and am excited to meet you and hear about your ideas and needs for this group Power of Emotions.

Warm wishes,