What we’re about
The world-famous Rhine Research Center hosts lectures, workshops, classes and conferences with many of the world's foremost authorities on paranormal and parapsychology topics. Join, learn and experience with us!
Mission of the Rhine: The Rhine Research Center explores the frontiers of consciousness and exceptional human experiences in the context of unusual and unexplained phenomena. The Rhine’s mission is to advance the science of parapsychology, to provide education and resources for the public, and to foster a community for individuals with personal and professional interest in psi.*
*Psi is defined as anomalous processes of information or energy transfer, such as telepathy or psychokinesis, that are currently unexplained in terms of known physical or biological mechanisms.
Click here to see a 9th Street Journal article from February, 2019 ( https://9thstreetjournal.org/2019/02/19/thi...)
Here is an older article from the Indy in 2014. (https://indyweek.com/culture/etc/durham-s-rhine-research-center-one-country-s-last-parapsychological-institutes-seeks-quantify-ethereal/)
History from the NCpedia, click here. (https://www.ncpedia.org/rhine-research-center)
The three pillars of the Rhine are Research, Education, and Community. The Rhine is the premier research center for parapsychology in the country, provides events and an online school for students of parapsychology, and an active community of volunteers and members who have their own experiences are or interested in psi phenomena.
Read about research at the Rhine (https://www.rhineonline.org/research)
Read about education in parapsychology (https://www.rhineonline.org/explore)
Read about the Rhine community (https://www.rhineonline.org/community)
In 1930, J.B. Rhine began academic research into the field of parapsychology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and in 1935 the Duke Parapsychology Labs were established. In 1965, the a nonprofit organization was formed, and today it continues as the Rhine Research Center. (Learn more about the Rhine)
NB: As the topics of our presentations vary widely, check regularly through upcoming meetups for those that suit your particular interests. When seating is limited, that event's description will say so, and include a link directly to that part of the Rhine's website where you can purchase tickets by Paypal to guarantee yourself a spot. ALL Friday lectures are SIMULCAST and can be viewed over the Internet.
Website: http://www.rhine.org
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Weekly Science Discussion MeetingLink visible for attendees
Every Wednesday afternoon, some of the best minds in parapsychology gather here to catch up on what they've been researching, reading, and to hear about recent developments of importance to parapsychology. Topics may be open, or guest speakers may be sharing their work and findings.
Click here to register at The Rhine's website
Free. (Donations gratefully accepted!) - Dreams Study Group (Monthly)Link visible for attendees
Join us online through the Rhine Research Center's website.
Share a dream with us and we will help you to understand it, and eventually learn how to interpret your own dreams.
Before you share your dream by reading it aloud:
- Have it entirely written out in present tense.
- Include only the content of the dream itself, relating the dream exactly as it unfolded, without afterthoughts, comments, or impressions, unless they occurred during the dream.
- Include any emotion you had upon awakening, typically some version of mad, sad, glad, angry, or confused.
- Give your dream a title.
Why and How this works: Dreams are a gift from the subconscious mind conveying important messages to the dreamer through symbols and emotions. As you slowly read your dream aloud, we will experience is as if it were our own. Our experiences almost always provide deeper insights into both what the dream wants and, most importantly, guidance on how the dreamer can honor by responding to the dream.
$10 covers admission to all The Rhine's monthly online events for 30 days: Psychic Experiences Group (1st Tuesdays), Remote Viewing class (3rd Wednesdays), the Dreams Study Group (3rd Mondays), and The Rhine Research Team science discussions (Every Wednesday). But wait! There's more!! If a monthly group happens to meet twice within 30 days, the second admission is free. What a bargain!
As a typical dream takes about 20 minutes to work, we typically cover five dreams per meeting. Dreams are selected according to their titles' appeal to the group. We cannot guarantee that every dream will be worked at any given meeting.
- Weekly Science Discussion MeetingLink visible for attendees
Every Wednesday afternoon, some of the best minds in parapsychology gather here to catch up on what they've been researching, reading, and to hear about recent developments of importance to parapsychology. Topics may be open, or guest speakers may be sharing their work and findings.
Click here to register at The Rhine's website
Free. (Donations gratefully accepted!)