What we’re about
What I am offering in this group is a place where like-minded individuals can hang out and hear from other like-minded individuals about realistic hurdles that we experience as current/future wealthy people and how we overcome. This group is for entrepreneurs; People who are always in charge or want to be, are open-minded and humble. People who are ready to stop trading their time for money because time is irreplaceable. What do you want your future to look like? I want to know. I think I can help you get there. By coming to our meetings, we will encourage our paths to financial freedom simply because we are surrounding ourselves with people with similar desires and having intellectual conversation on a regular basis. Training our minds for wealth and all that comes along with it.
I will be sharing my journey, how I have learned to invest in real estate with no money or credit and how it is taking my life to the next level. There are 2 essential components- 1) Mindset 2) Education. You can try to invest without those, but you may find that they haunt you along your path to financial freedom, impeding or destroying your dream before you can get there.
Not everyone is cut out for wealth, it is up to YOU to say that you are ready for more in your life than a paycheck every 2 weeks. You are who you hang out with, do you want to hang with us?
Come as you are. (Camera encouraged but not required)