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What we’re about

“The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good — in spite of all the people who say he is very good.” - Robert Graves
As Harold Bloom notes, “After Jesus, Hamlet is the most cited figure in Western consciousness...”
Why? How?
Let’s find out.
This group is for anyone who wants to read the works of Shakespeare. You do not have to have previously read Shakespeare, all you have to do is read him now. I will often draw from Bloom’s “Shakespeare: Invention of the Human” and other outside texts to add to our discussion. \


We will meet twice a month to discuss a Shakespeare play!
CLARIFYING NOTE : WE DO NOT READ THE PLAYS ALOUD; WE COME HAVING ALREADY READ THE PLAYS. There are many Shakespeare groups that do read the plays aloud; please message me if you’re having trouble finding one and I will point you in the right direction.
We look forward to discussing Shakespeare with all of you in the only other place besides the theatre he truly loved — the tavern.