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What we’re about

This group is for the everyday black & brown diaspora women. The Mother's, the Wives, the Naturals, the Travelers, the Entrepreneurs, the Wine Lovers, the "Woke", the "Sleep" (Lol, I thought that was cute), the multiple titled ladies that are looking for other positive women of color in all walks of life. No matter which title you claim even if it's all the above (plus some) you are welcomed here!! I'm trying to build a Women's Empowerment Club in making this group that is mostly inclusive. It will be Meetups for all of you Queens in each of these walks of life and more!! I have noticed the lack of groups that cover more than one of the titles if it covers certain titles at all!! For instance, I am a Black Queen that is a Mother, New Wife, Natural, Traveling, Wine Enthusiast that is also an Entrepreneur... You see?!?! I want all shapes, sizes and shades. All of the positive personalities that's willing to meetup up a few times a month covering the random areas for all of my Queens!! I'm also looking forward to an annual trip big or small!! Sharing our love for life, experiences new and old, suggestions on meetup ideas and trips because together we have a Sistahood!! <br>**KEY RULES** <br>1) You will not be accepted if you do not have a picture of yourself as a profile pic. It is a precaution. If you were not accepted 9 out of 10 this is the reason. Please correct the issue. Thank you!! <br>2) If you RSVP for an event and an issue comes up or your availability change please update your RSVP no less than 24 hrs prior. If it is less than 24 hrs please communicate with me via inbox. It's not fair to a Sista that could have taken that slot and also unfair to the host. <br>3) If you RSVP to a paid event please read to make sure payment is in by the listed date. If it is based off of first come, first served please pay ASAP or your slot will be given to another paid participant to be fair. Thank you!!
P.S. Upon being accepted please register at