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What we’re about

# How to Talk Like a Native Speaker \| Marc Green \| TEDxHeidelberg at 10minutes

All of our classes are on Zoom, we have regular conversational walks and pub visits where you can practise with native English speakers

Zoom Software

Main photo credit - a still from the film "My Fair Lady" distributed by Paramount Pictures

Zoom help for new Users

We've just started using Zoom Software ( for some of our meetings. If you've not used it before this maybe helpful if you have any problems. Generally speaking Zoom works well for most people, so you shouldn't expect problems.
1. You can start a test meeting before you use it here:
You will have to click the button "Join" to enter the test meeting.
2. Testing the Audio - You can do this in the above meeting, or you can also do this by clicking "Setting" then select "Audio"
3. Testing the Video -
4. Zoom Support, Video tutorials etc. is here:
If you have any other suggestions, links etc, advice that will help others; I'll add it in too.
Tony (Host)

Upcoming events (4+)

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