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Time is ...a priceless commodity!

From: michele
Sent on: Friday, August 1, 2008, 10:49 AM
Greetings Companions!

Glad to virtually meet you for now... Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think this will be great fun.

Calling to you all for clocks-- Need a photo of a clock.... Big Ben at 11 would have been nice except that i lost my entire hard drive 6 mos ago!)

So... Who has a clock, watch, timepiece photo of distinction... on file that they would have grace our Home page!
You do not really want my photo there do you?!

Feel free to reply by return me as it will land directly in my in box!

Have a pleasant Friday!


ps... note that the majority --- 98 per cent -- circa-- have completed profiles.... those two or three who snuck in before i formulated the need for all to know and SEE those we meet at the last minute sometimes in unusual locales... please return to your profiles and edit in! also, there are 2 polls. work and home. please fill in. there is a reason for this insofar as impromptu options! expect the majority of us to be below the kennedy line as expounded in the details... but, please confirm!