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What we’re about

The ANSUZ (on-suz) is the runic symbol for the “As” or “ancestral god”, and implies a revealing message, insight and wisdom of a divine nature. This is a fitting description for the purpose of this group, to discuss the wisdom and knowledge of our individual chosen paths and to learn the motives and practices of the paths of others. The fact that “ANSUZ” sounds a lot like the word “Answers” is just icing on the cosmic cake. So, lofty goals and punny names aside, what do we actually do? Each month we host a presenter or teacher with real experience in a topic or spiritual path. All paths are welcome to join our group as long as they show respect for the paths of others. This includes paths like Celtic Druidism, Kabballah, Native American Shamanism, Neo-Pagansim, Enochian and many others too numerous to list. We all bring our own wisdom to share, but mostly we come to listen and learn. These are discussion classes designed for adults to learn without feeling like they are in a disciplined sit-down-and-shut-up type classroom. The focus of this group is education and sharing of knowledge. Please note, we ask for donations at the meet ups to cover expenses for the speaker honorarium and the venue cost. The donations vary with the cost and attendance.