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From: Cory
Sent on: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 4:11 PM
Hi Amy,
I knew I would get some responses like this!!  It is absolutely perfect as is!!  It is what it is and in seeing that alone there is great freedom not to have to act in any particular way or change the arisings in which we have no control as to how they arise!!  It plays out beautifully and could not have been any other way!!
I shared what I did moreso for practical reasons, If I want to talk about dogs..and I wind up talking about a corrective measure, natrually I will tell people that the true sharing that usually arises is about dogs. So in the future, they can know what to ecpect.
This way, as future sharings arise, they have an idea of what this sharing is about. That's all. Practical measures. Actually, I love , loving the perfection of it, as is,  and all that arises as well!!
Thanks for your sharing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, Oct 31,[masked]:52 am


How interesting to read your judgment about how the event played out, and specifically how you "did."  What would it be to believe that it is perfect just as it is? That what happened is precisely what was for everyone's highest and best good? To trust that this is so, even if it doesn't feel that way to your human mind? That your "doing" is not the point, but instead who you are being in this life and what springs from that.

Any judgment is a lie, yes? So what is the truth in this instance?

Holding you in the light. Namaste.


On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Cory <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All!!

IAM sharing here an interview that I did on a very popular internet and cable tv show called "Never Not Here".

I must share with you came off a series of a few days of emotional turmoil and a week of physical illness.

So whether do to that of other arisings as well, I must share that this interview for me doew NOT represent the usual clear alignment that occurs as I share. IAM not even in "total agreement with what I shared! However, in watching it back, it does have it's own refreshing interest simply because of the topic and I see I do not have to be so hard on it as there are definitely some good pointers here worth hearing.

I usually share very directly and the flow is with ease and clear elaboration. In this interview I did not find a clear consistent alignment with and as openness, yet shared nonetheless. And for a basic is OK but not a clear representation of THE OPEN WAY clarity.

I share this only so that ones know that this does not represent my usual clear sharing just so you are available to hear future sharings and not just go on this criteria. Not so much for personal spiritual image or anything like that. In that context, it really does not matter how thisinterview occured!! It simply is what it is and now just a past thought!! LOL... with no baring on openness and freedom at all!!

So anyway, I think you still will enjoy it nonetheless and look forward to even more open and powerful sharings to come!! IAM really excited about that.

As you guys tune in, I hope there is some value there AND it helps me too in that if the veiwer numbers are high, it allows space for more of this type of sharing.

Look forward to more within the media mode to come as radio, more videos and audios....coming real soon.

Thankyou so much for your support and I love to share and support you in this miraculous blessings of a life as awareness that we share!!

I also look forward to you ALL to attend future gatherings. They are a blessings. I know you will love that and feel nurtured, open, expansive and aware!!

Click below to see the interview and we will meet freshly and openly whether at our gatherings or through my future sharings. Together, each time is a new opportunity to share and amaze ourselves at how free we actually are in truth!!!

Stay aware and open for some really great sharing to come!!

We have gatherings scheduled in Berkeley and possibly Union City and please make your suggestions for anywhere and any day!

Love & Blessings and thanks for your support

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Amy Van Court

"As with mobile phones, the goal in life is not to have any unused minutes."  ~me

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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]