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What we’re about

Qi Gong – 氣功, is an art and science, a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi/氣) (“life energy”).
Qi is the Chinese word for “life energy.” According to Chinese medicine, qi (氣) is the animating power that flows through all living things. It is also the life energy one senses in nature.
Gong (功) means work or “benefits acquired through perseverance and practice.” Qigong is a wholistic system of self-healing exercise and meditation, an ancient, evolving practice that includes postures, movement, self-massage, breathing techniques and meditation.
Therapeutic or medical qigong (Yi Jia Gong) involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movements deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the life energy. Therapeutic qigong can be used very successfully as a complimentary medicine as qigong works well with other modern health care and healing modalities.
Anyone can practice qigong. There are techniques suitable for every age and physical condition. This can include standing, seated and supine positions. Most all standing practices can be adapted to seated or laying down depending on individual comfort and abilities. There is no experience necessary.
In this class, we will focus on simple movements based upon medical qigong practices for therapeutic and overall life and health benefits. You will feel energized and overtime will experience amazing life and health benefits.
Mike Cicali will share his nearly 20 years of experience in practicing and experiencing Qi Gong healing.