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What we’re about


The Tarot Exchange is a COMPLETELY FREE tarot card reading group for anyone of any skill or experience level with tarot! We meet at least once per month with in-person events in and around Minneapolis, Minnesota! The intention of this group is to come together, practice reading, and exchange our ideas, interpretations, and methods for reading tarot cards!

The Tarot Exchange is also a way to trade or exchange tarot decks with each other that no longer resonate or decks that you feel may benefit from a different home. A lot of us more experienced readers often have a tarot deck collection with many decks gathering more dust than are being used. The Tarot Exchange offers a solution to this timeless tarot problem. Please see the rules below for more detailed information.


The Tarot Exchange intentionally separates itself from other tarot-based communities that exclude others who do not conform and submit to their narrow understanding, led by self-appointed masters with meaningless certificates, who charge outrageous fees for anything and everything (deceptively calling it an "energy exchange" with a dollar sign), and otherwise attempt to financially gatekeep and exploit the pop-culture interest and spiritual practice of reading tarot cards.

As a direct response and with complete intention, The Tarot Exchange is not affiliated with or part of any other organization, association, business, or any other formal entity or informal community. The Tarot Exchange will always meet in public places that are openly welcome and freely accessible to everyone for no cost.


Unfortunately, we can't simply have nice things, so we have to set down some ground rules.

1. Open to All Paths
This group is open to all spirituality paths and reasons for readings, from atheist fortune telling entertainers to pantheistic pagan practioners to astral projecting gurus and everything in between and beyond! Readers come from all backgrounds and sharing that diversity is a driving element of this group.

2. Be Sober At Events
There are spiritual paths that involve being in chemically altered states, however, for the safety of yourself and others, you must be in a sober state to attend events. Do not bring alcohol, marijuana, hallunicagenics, etc. to events. The Tarot Exchange often has events in public parks where these substances are already banned.

3. No Fires, Keep Smoke Away
For the health and safety of other readers, please do not use vapes, burn anything, or create smoke with anything including cigarettes, candles, incense, herbs, or sage bundles in the active event space. If you need to use these for any reason, please do so a courteous distance away from the active event space and in compliance with park regulations.

4. No One Under the Age of 18
Per Meetup Community Guidelines, "Meetup members and organizers must be at least 18 years of age. Therefore, groups must be targeted at, and only offer opportunities for those who are over 18." Please do not bring anyone under the age of 18 to events as +1's. There are absolutely no exceptions.

5. Don't Burden for Your Benefit
While experienced readers may have a lot to offer, they are by no means required or pressured in any way to teach new or inexperienced readers. Sometimes those with advanced skills want to meet others on their level and that's totally fine and welcome!

6. Exchange Reading for Reading, Deck for Deck
Any exchanges should be an equal like for like trade, so readings for readings, decks for decks. For any deck exchanges or trades (one deck or multiple decks), try to go by verifiable retail/adjusted used dollar value as best as possible to prevent any future conflicts, hurt feelings, or negative energy. Giving someone a reading in exchange for a deck is exploitative, as you would be gaining something of verifiable dollar value in exchange for something that is free, even if you could charge money for it.

All decks need to be complete (all 78 cards) and in physically usable condition (readable and shufflable). As a general guideline, decks in used condition should be valued at about 50% of their new retail value if still in print. Any damages or customizations to edges or corners should be openly and voluntarily disclosed. Peter will be available to help with these and more complex issues like verifying out of print or counterfit decks and assessing card condition (new, like new, used, damaged, non-usable).

7. No Directly Selling Decks Or Performing Paid Readings
Soliciting (advertising or asking people to buy) or directly selling any type of paid tarot reading service or tarot deck, regardless of payment type, is strictly prohibited at events. It is illegal to solicit or sell anything in Minneapolis Parks without a permit. If you want to directly buy a service or deck from another member, please contact that member privately and outside of the event.

Please use the Discussion tab for these issues.