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What we’re about

Welcome to 'The Wisdom of Women' UK Meetup Group.

This is a group for female bodied beings, who are deeply called to gather and connect with other women for support, growth, understanding, fun, healing and sharing.

As women we remember in our bodies and wombs the ways of old when we used to gather together, to support, nurture, guide and share with each other.

Unfortunately due to no longer living in shared communities, and the fast pace and demand of our daily lives. We have often lost the support, understanding, connection and wisdom of other women.

So if you long for deep feminine connection and sisterhood, welcome.

You don't have to walk alone, women need women!

We also have a Facebook Group you would be very welcome to join, to connect and share in.

Meet 'The Wisdom of Women' creators and hosts....

Lisa Collins:

Hello, I'm Lisa and I have been on my path of self-discovery for well over 20 years. This has included intensively studying, practicing and teaching Taoist Arts (Tai-Chi, Kung Fu, Meditation, Qigong and Taoist yoga) for six years from my mid twenties. These arts are the foundation of my spiritual journey and practice.

I have professionally offered holistic massage for over 18 years, and tantric massage, intimacy coaching and sacred sexuality sessions for men, women and couples, professionally for the past four years. You can find out more about my work at

I also run and host the Tantra and Conscious Sexuality, Bristol and South West Meetup group, where I hold in person intimacy events. To find out more about this Meetup group and to join, please visit

I am an empath and highly sensitive person (HSP), so please know fellow sensitive ones, you will also be well understood and welcomed here.

I am also quite a way through my menopause initiation, and deeply honoured to be entering crone hood in my mid forties.

And with all that said, I welcome you here to this space dear sister, and look forward to meeting, sharing and journeying with you.

Chantal Rose:

Hello, I am Chantal, a mum of 2 with sunshine, salt water and Aussie optimism running in my veins and have called the UK home for 12 years. I have 2 incredible children – an 18 year old girl who is revelling in her new found freedom at university, and a 15 year old boy with an obsession all things rugby. And who has benefitted enormously from having an older sister and a mum who celebrates curiosity and imperfection.

My children are among my greatest teachers. It’s an absolute privilege to guide them on their way and I’m excited for what lies ahead for us all as we share our lives in changing ways.

I have enjoyed a rich and varied working life as a Special Needs Advisory teacher, a Florist and a Business Change, Training and Comms practitioner in the Rail sector.

Forever I’ve been fascinated by the mysteries of our bodies and our pleasure potential and after 30 years of curiosity and deeply embodied knowing I have recently trained with Lisa in Tantra Massage and embarked on a new professional direction which sees me offering Sacred Touch sessions for women.

With Lisa’s on-going support as I grow my practice I am called to bring safe and wanted touch to women for honouring, holding, healing and releasing as well as exploring and expanding sensuality.

Our bodies hold the entire history of our lives as well as our greatest potential for healing and expansion. I aim to demystify this work and create spaces which normalise safe, sensual touch and embodiment.

It feels like to greatest honour for me to share this ancient work.

Like many people raised with an outdoor lifestyle I was a very active and competent all round sports person which gave me a heightened awareness of my body.
I’ve practiced yoga for 30 years and completed teacher training in 2022.

I’ve been a spiritual seeker always – from when I was 14! There’s not much I haven’t dipped into over the years and I am committed to a life of growth and expansion.

So wonderful women, let’s step bravely forward together in sisterhood and share our lives, loves, hurts and curiosities. Let’s create a space to support and nurture each other in safety for our expansion and to enhance the path for those to follow.

I’m so looking forward to working closely with Lisa as we guide you, to meeting you all and to seeing what unfolds on our journey together. Welcome.