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T&D @ Burning Man | Camp Parley

Photo of Chris Gerritz
Hosted By
Chris G.
T&D @ Burning Man | Camp Parley


We're going to Burning Man in 2024!

Burning Man is the world’s largest temporary city (population of ~80,000), an experimental community and a large-scale art event, all rolled into one. Its' activities, culture and events are all currated by the thousands of theme camps attendees create.

This year, Thinkers & Drinkers is forming our own theme camp named "Parley" (French for "to Speak"). Our public offering will be a conversation space with twice daily Think & Drinks / Parleys, bringing a flavor of the T&D experiance to a whole new audiance and a whole new level.

We're looking for interested members across all T&D regions to be part of our inaugural year - previous burn experiance is not necessary but you should be a capable camper and a willing contributor to the camp (no spectators allowed).

If Interested, Our Application Form can be found here:

We have significant documentation and plans already in progress, feel free to reach out to Chris Gerritz to find out more information.

Note: Burning Man is a big commitment of time and effort. Its' not for the faint of heart. As organizers of the camp, we’ll strive to prepare you to the best of our ability so that you can have a safe and rewarding time. Ultimately though, we expect all members of the inagural camp to be prepared to survive 8 days in the desert and also contribute to the camp.

Photo of Thinkers & Drinkers International (USA/Denver) group
Thinkers & Drinkers International (USA/Denver)
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