What we’re about
What we're about
For full details of Thinking Box visit http://thinkingbox.info/
Our Meet Ups show a selection of the world's best talks by the world's best speakers from the website such as TED.com, Upworthy and YouTube. We might show 6 talks including 2 'feature presentations' which we subsequently discuss.
The discussions are facilitated and begin in very small groups (pairs or 3s) so people can share ideas in a very safe environment and then we open it up to the whole group for further discussion.
For a 2 min video of a Thinking Box evening click below
https://vimeo.com/170187359 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IkYIZMzn6o)
Thinking Box Birmingham is new, we hope to gather together a great and diverse bunch of thinkers who care about the world and are generally keen to make a difference. If you are the kind of person who likes to think, discover new ideas, discuss topics, meet like minded people or even just come along and be inspired then this is a group for you.