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What we’re about

Hey there! 🌟 Ready to unleash your inner speech superstar? We're not just any English language speech club—we're your go-to spot for biweekly meetings packed with the perfect mix of public speaking, impromptu awesomeness, and constructive evaluations!

Our Key Features:

  1. Structured Meetings: Toastmasters Wagrningen follows a proven meeting structure, incorporating impromptu speaking, prepared speeches, and constructive evaluations. This format ensures a well-rounded development experience for members.
  2. Supportive Community: Our club is a melting pot of individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering an environment where everyone feels welcome and encouraged. Members support each other on their journey to becoming confident communicators and leaders.
  3. Skill Development: Toastmasters Wageningen focuses on developing public speaking, presentation, and leadership skills. Through regular meetings and specialized workshops, members have the opportunity to hone their abilities in a safe and constructive setting.
  4. Constructive Feedback: One of the cornerstones of Toastmasters is the feedback process. Members receive valuable evaluations that highlight their strengths and offer constructive suggestions for improvement, facilitating continuous growth.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Beyond skill development, Toastmasters Wageningen provides a platform for networking and building connections. Engage with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and expand your professional and social circles.
  6. Professional Growth: Many Toastmasters members experience enhanced professional growth, whether in their careers or personal lives. The skills acquired at Toastmasters Wageningen are transferable and applicable in various settings.

Join Us:
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-improvement, honing your communication and leadership skills? Toastmasters Wageningen invites you to attend a meeting as a guest and discover the transformative power of effective communication.
Visit our official website in Nederland for meeting schedules, contact information, and membership details or contact us via Meetup.

**Join Toastmasters Wageningen and unlock your full potential today!**🌟🎤 #SpeakWithConfidence #JoinTheAdventure

We meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of a month at 19:15-21:30 in Lumen (Droevendaalsesteeg 3a) on WUR campus.