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What we’re about

Welcome to the Tokyo Active Lifestyle Design Group!

This is a group for people in central Tokyo who are into martial arts, action, fitness and fantasy role playing who might be interested in doing some video shorts. Members of the group can train together, free spar against other styles ( all styles welcomed but light contact only as most of us have daytime jobs ), play around with acting and stunt work on the side and maybe make some good connections in the process.

Industry professionals are welcomed to join and give tips and training, but this group is really aimed at the average person who wants to have fun experimenting with learning different things! We`re all friends here and it`s really all about cross training! Everyone`s a student and we`re not trying to sell anything (but I don`t mind promotions if you have something new that you`d like to share).

Activities will include:

* One-on-one sparring matches consisting of 3 rounds, light contact; scored by tap-out, submission, group decision or K.O. (preferably not). Participation in sparring sessions is at your own risk, but the group members will all act to keep the sparring respectable and to where no one gets seriously hurt. This isn`t Mortal Kombat and we`re not trying to gouge anybody`s eyes out here. LoL!

* Martial Arts Cross-Training - while sparring sessions are happening in the background, group members can match and mingle with other members of the group to train and exchange tips and techniques from whichever style they are interested in. There are no ranks or masters here (unless we have a special guest that`s been invited), because I believe that everyone has something to share and even a master can learn something new! If the group wants to learn a particular style or technique, we simply take a vote and people who are interested can participate.
* Action / Stunt work and Film - If you have a fun action story in mind and a camera, bring it! Create a scenario and see if you can find group members who would be interested in playing certain roles! This is a good opportunity for people who have always been interested in film, action design and fight choreography but who have never had time to really study or get into it professionally to just try it out. Creativity is highly encouraged here! If we have enough ideas and people, we`ll start making our own video shorts and putting them on YouTube for fun!
* Fitness & Health - If you just want to get in shape or maybe try some holistic healing, this group is for you. While other people are sparring or shooting videos, you can find someone to train and get in shape with. Feel free to discuss anything like massage, aromatherapy, Yoga or whatever with people who are interested. * Dinner, Drinking & Social Activities - After the meetup, let`s get cleaned up and go our for a bit or drink if you have time!

Maintaining a healthy Nerd Life Balance! (Blog Post)


- For sparring, bring your own safety gear if you have it (or maybe someone will be nice enough to let you borrow some).

- The winner of each individual sparring match can elect to stay in the ring to face the next opponent, or leave for 2 other players to take his place.

- The group members have the right to stop a sparring match if we collectively think it`s getting out of control or someone will get seriously injured. Group decisions over-rule everything, so win or lose, don`t be a crybaby about it. It`s a learning / growing experience. That`s it.

- In regards to MMA style groundwork and submissions; since those matches can go on for hours, we`ll be setting a time limit of 1 minute per take-down. This is to give other group members a chance to spar. So if you can`t make your opponent submit or tap-out by then, you`re out of luck and will have to go back to your standing game. You can`t stay on the ground in a street-fight anyway because you never know if the other guy has friends, but this is mainly just a time saver. If you guys want to practice your ground game after the sparring session, feel free to do so outside of the sparring area. That`s it for now. Hope to see you all there!

Websites & Social Networks
Stress Factor: Active Life (Facebook)
3-month English Conversation / 3ヶ月英会話 (Facebook)
cre8tive Media Vault (Facebook) / cMV Homepage