What we’re about
THIS GROUP IS ONLY FOR WOMEN. The purpose of this group is to offer peer support to foreign women who live in Tokyo. Women of any nationalities are welcome. If you love meeting new people and helping others, not to forget lively conversations and good laughter, you are more than welcome to join this group. :-) Looking forward to seeing you at our events!
Also Japanese women who are interested in giving peer support to foreign women are welcome to join us.
You can find more about us on our homepage 外国人女性の会パルヨン – Foreign Women's Association Paruyon
外国人(がいこくじん)女性(じょせい)のための ピアサポート(ぴあさぽーと)あつまりです。日本(にほん)の生活(せいかつ)について 話(はな)します。情報(じょうほう)を もらいます。友達(ともだち)を つくります。日本語(にほんご)と英語(えいご)を 話(はな)します。一緒(いっしょ)に たくさん話(はな)しましょう。
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Kawasaki Lunch Meetup for Foreign Women 外国人女性のランチ会@川崎(かわさき)カフェノリータ アトレ川崎店, Kanagawa
Are you a foreign woman looking for community? Join us for a delightful lunch Meetup where cultures mingle and friendships bloom.
Our casual lunch setting ensures a relaxed atmosphere where you can be yourself, laugh, and connect with women who understand the excitement and challenges of living abroad.
Build a network of friends from around the world! Strengthen your support system, exchange cultural insights, and create lasting connections in the heart of Kawasaki.
The name of the restaurant is COFFEE & NY DELI CAFE NOLITA in Kawasaki.
We speak English and Japanese in this meeting.
Japanese women who want to support foreign women are also welcome to join but the number of Japanese participants may be limited. Thank you for your understanding.
外国人(がいこくじん)女性(じょせい)のための ランチ会(かい)
一緒(いっしょ)に 楽(たの)しく ランチを しませんか?
自分(じぶ)らしく いることが できます。美味(おい)しい料理(りょうり)を 食(た)べます。
生活(せいかつ)のアドバイスを シェアします。サポートする仲間(なかま)を みつけます。
色々(いろいろ)な国(くに)の女性(じょせい)と 友達(ともだち)に なります。
日本語(にほんご)と英語(えいご)を 話(はな)します。