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What we’re about

About Tokyo Storytellers

Owing to the nature of mass media, the limited knowledge of tourists and YouTubers searching for bite-sized content narratives about Japan are limited to just a handful of inaccurate depictions: 

Crazy Cosplay Overworked  The Mysterious Far-east

These limited narratives result in the outside world viewing Japan and the Japanese as one monolithic & enigmatic group. 

I would like to change that with my podcast “Tokyo Storytellers” 

Tokyo Storytellers is a podcast filled with everyday life stories from Japan by a range of speakers from housewives to entrepreneurs. 

Each speaker will share events from their everyday life, their plans and their projects then deliver a short presentation of topic of interest to them. 

Afterward, they will answer questions from overseas listeners via the Internet. 


英語でプレゼンテーション。 <br>

インターネットラジオ(ポッドキャスト)で英語のラジオDJになろう! <br>毎回、あなたの7分間の番組を世界に発信します。

あなた自身の言葉で、インターネットラジオを通じて世界に発信してみよう。 作った歌や得意料理の作り方など、自分の作品を、好きな場所や好きなこと、日本の文化、あなたの仕事や日々の生活について、海外向けに紹介することができます。

見本 1 What is it and why.

見本 2 Kazu Cast


Join us to hear the voice of Japan. <br>




TBA <br>


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