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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in street photography in Tokyo, whether you live in Japan, a visiting tourist, foreigner or Japanese. All skill levels are welcome, with any kind of camera, digital, film, smartphone or professional.

I am an amateur photographer, I live in Tokyo and I am in love with this city!
I started this group to meet other street photography enthusiasts. Looking forward to exploring amazing Tokyo with everybody!

# Rules of our group Meetups (please read carefully. If you disagree with any of the terms, please do not join):
- This Meetup group is organized by photographers, for photographers.
It is strictly for still photography. No videography or vloggers allowed.
- The Meetups are FREE, but have very serious purpose - meeting new people from the same field of interest and creating together while developing our photography skills. Please do not forget the purpose of our Meetups and always treat other members respectfully.
- Everybody is welcome - professional and amateur photographers. With any camera (smartphone is alright too!)
- We ask the more professional photographers to assist new photographers if they have questions (and by that we don't mean giving private photography lessons for free. We mean helping with small things and questions that can rise during the Meetups). We are all here to learn new things and develop our photography skills.
- The events will be cancelled only in case of a Typhoon. If it will be raining, the event will still be happening (rainy Tokyo is personally my most favorite thing to photograph). Just don't forget to bring a good umbrella & clothing and be careful for your equipment.