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What we’re about

Tokyo Weekday Friends is a group for anyone who has free time or who is traveling in Tokyo on weekdays! Most Meetup groups are held on weekends, so we decided to create a group for fun activities we can do during the week!! Maybe you work weekends or just have some extra time during the week.


We'll go for a walk, go sightseeing, drink together and more! Meetups will be both during the day time and in the evening/night. Looking forward to meeting you guys!!
Note: Members must be 20 years of age or over.

Sponsor:Tokyo International Friends

**「Tokyo Weekday Friends」**は平日休みの方や平日に東京近郊を旅行されている方のためのグループです。 多くのグループの活動が休日になっているため、こちらのグループでは平日の日中にお散歩したり、東京近郊の観光地に訪問したりもしております!



Sponsor:Tokyo International Friends

Upcoming events (4)

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